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V10 premiado por EISA a la mejor etapa de phono


Hegel has taken its time adding a dedicated phono stage to its acclaimed series of amplifiers, but it's been worth the wait. The V10 is designed to service a wide range of moving-coil and moving-magnet cartridges, aided by its highly flexible gain, loading and subsonic filter settings that are selected via a matrix of DIP switches underneath the black case. Indeed, the elegant but functional Norwegian styling belies the scope of this vinyl-loving preamp. So it's worth taking the time to dial-up the optimum settings and realise a sound that's both smooth and gloriously insightful, and clearly 'voiced' to partner Hegel's other electronics.


Aprende de las tecnologías de Hegel y otras grandes soluciones.


El amplificador Hegel H400, apodado cariñosamente Streamliner, es una obra maestra de diseño y rendimiento optimizados. El H400 está diseñado para ofrecer una calidad de audio excepcional mientras maximiza la eficiencia y mejora la experiencia del usuario. Ya sea que sea un audiófilo o un oyente ocasional, el H400 promete un viaje auditivo extraordinario.

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